Higher Education Consulting Services
At Roseapple Global, we believe that student success is not only about the classroom. It is also about the administrative cycle of the student, which means understanding their needs and creating operations that deliver exceptional services.
Our consulting services are for academic institutions or organizations globally. We are open to serving all but geared towards institutions in their foundational start-up years or seeking a transformation in their student-facing units in emerging economies seeking to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 (#SDG4). We hope to serve targeted regions such as the Caribbean, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa.

"Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that a son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another."
- Nelson Mandela
​We are delighted that you are exploring our catalog of services. At Roseapple Global, we focus on providing a range of services involving theoretical, technical and practical higher education knowledge as part of consulting services. Our tailored and collaborative approach to your project includes understanding the micro, marco, organizational, and cultural perspectives as an external part of managing your needs. These philosophical and personal components help us provide our clients with a natural and unique solution.
Areas of Expertise
I specialize in developing administrative and operations infrastructure for student-facing units found in campus/student life and student services departments.
I am well-versed in developing and implementing processes, policies, and procedures for the following programs:
Student and Family Orientation
Student Billing
Student Insurance
Student Immigration
Student Engagement
Student Housing
​Intercultural Engagement
First-Year Programming
First-Year Transition Class
Converting Face-to-Face Student Services to Partial or Full Digital Operations
My experience also includes a collaborative assessment of operations in the following areas:
Data/Customer Relations Software
Campus-wide Immigration Process
Campus-wide Financial Accessibility
I have software implementation experience with the following:
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Consulting Services Catalog
Interim Student Affairs Professional
Serve as an interim or acting Student Affairs/Services leader executing the duties and responsibilities of the unit. Open the leader and serve in units such as One-Stop Stop, Student Services, Dean of Student Office, Study Abroad, Residence Life or another as negotiated.
Digital Student Engagement
Collaborating with to conduct an assessment of how they engage students digitally based on local context and infrastructure.
Digitalization Recommendations and Planning for Student Affairs/Services unit in emerging nations/markets based.
Student Programming Model
Collaborate to assess and develop Student Programming and Engagement, including input from students and other stakeholders.
Collaborate to assess and develop a Workforce and Life Skills Development Model​, including input from students, local industry and other stakeholders.
Student-Facing Units
For start-up units or those undergoing some transition, we provide services that can review, update or develop policies, processes, or procedures for administrative or operational functions.
Student Affairs/Services and Academic Affairs
Cross-Functional and Administrative Units - For start-up units or those undergoing some level of transition, we provide services to lead an assessment with recommendations of functions for cross-administrative units. Examples of cross-functional units are Advising and Registrar or Residence Life/Housing and Accounting.
Internal Administrative and Operations - For start-up units or those undergoing some level of transition, we provide services to lead an assessment with recommendations for internal administrative and operational functions. Our primary focus is units such as Residence Life, Student Conduct, Housing Operations, Student Engagement/Experience, Orientation and other front-facing student services.
Staffing and Functionality Review
Collaborate with the unit/department leadership to review and assess staff needs, placements, and alignment to the functions of the student-facing unit, recommending any needed changes.
Staff Training
Collaborate to develop and facilitate staff training/development sessions or retreats. We provide a variety of requested topics based on need and have two pre-designed programs for consideration - Cultural Adaptation & Building Resilience and Team Development and Renewal.
We help you get started in a practical way through our pre-designed proposal on three trending topics. Furthermore, we also have four standard workshops for various audience types.
Exploring the proposals and workshop topics is your next click.