World travel abruptly stopped in early 2020, and the emotions of many travelers were impacted. As travel gradually re-open, our emotions have been on a rollercoaster with borders opening, closing and re-opening. Travel, be it local, national, or international, is a privilege for many, and our emotions are affected as a result.
What emotions did you feel because you could not travel?

#travelemotions #emotionalimpact #exploretheworld #wanderlust #travelchangesyou #travelislife #traveler #globalwanderer #travelquote #travelthought #blackexpat #blackwomanexpat #blacktravelista #expatlife #edupat #expatcoaching #roseappleglobal
We love to hear about your travel plans, share them in the comments. Also if you like the post, please share it on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Thank you!
Not Sure What is Next after Traveling Internationally, consider a free consultation with us to discuss living overseas. Unlock, Maximize, and Equip Yourself to Move Abroad. Contact Us
Roseapple Global provides expat coaching and guidance for individuals or groups. We serve all aspiring or continuing expats and specialize in assisting higher education professionals. We also offer to consult for student-facing units of higher education institutions internationally. Our services focus on developing or improving the administrative and operational areas of your departments. We help you unlock your potential, maximize your ability, and equip you with resources and tools for your journey or your student-facing unit.