Sometimes, despite our thorough planning, preparations and intentions, the move to another country does not work out as expected or what you hoped it would be. For reasons beyond your control, the relocation can take an unexpected turn and have you headed to the airport and on the next flight! Other times, the reason for leaving can simply be an intentional decision you made based on personal factors. Whatever the reason, an unexpected departure is often thought of as a failure, but this should not be the case.

Research and Proper Preparation
It all starts with going the extra mile to manage your expectations. It can be as simple as knowing the cultural differences between the cities and villages or taking time to understand the nuances of when multiple languages are spoken. I know I keep repeating this point but it’s very important, as so many aspiring expats do not know what to expect when they move abroad.
Written by Karla A. Fraser of Roseapple Global. Read my latest article as a contributing writer to The Black Expat. Your #expat living resource - #theblackexpat + #roseappleglobal ⠀