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Did a post peak your interest in moving, living, or working abroad?
We can help guide you to become an expat.
This Prof Life Podcast - Karla Chatting with Dr. Pat
Dr. Pat from This Prof Life and I shared stories about being in #academia and my global experiences.
Travel Impacts Human Emotions
World travel abruptly stopped in early 2020, and the emotions of many travelers were impacted.
Expat Living - Two Factors for Resilience
The factors of #selfworth and #selfcare are on the minds of all, but especially educators globally.
Expat Expression #42
Higher Education can provide you a career path internationally.
Domestic Help Abroad: More Than Making Your Bed
Living abroad can be the first opportunity for expatriates to explore employing help at home.
Thankful Thursday #23
Remember to appreciate your predecessors, those who planted the seeds many years before you.
Expat Expression #41
Moving to another country should have a purpose and incorporate your passion. Realize your experience also include life lessons.
No Excuses - No Regrets
Take time to #travel and explore places out of your comfort zone.
5 Ways to Manage Your Expat Frustrations
The experience of living and working abroad is a daily process, and each day will become more manageable.
Expat Advice: Domestic Help Abroad
ASK TBE Topics - "What are the benefits of having domestic help?"
Thankful Thursday #22
Now, things have changed a bit; more of us have moved from granted into gratitude.
Expat Expression #39
The persona you share while traveling or living abroad is remembered by the locals or foreigners, impacting those who come after you.
Blended Learning in Higher Education – Niger, West Africa
Blended learning is not something new; it has been around for years and is used by many universities.
When Your Move Abroad Doesn’t Work Out
Whatever the reason, an unexpected departure is often thought of as a failure, but this should not be the case.
Next Evolution of Travel Requires New Tools and Attitude
Thus, bring the right tools and attitude on your next adventures.
Thankful Thursday #21
Progress is something to be thankful for regardless of the size of the progress. Gratitude for small and large steps equally.
Stress Less: Managing Those Expat Frustrations
Expat relocations can be stressful; let’s recognize those frustrating moments and ways to manage them.
Expat Advice: Transportation Abroad
This week's topics are "Can I use my driver's license abroad?" and "What are my transportation options as an expat?"
Does Travel Speak to Your Soul?
When we travel, we gain new perspectives. How many of us find these new insights an awakening to who we are...our soul.
Thankful Thursday #20
Can we move thankfulness into actions? Let’s express our gratitude with kind gestures to one another.
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